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6. Jenna

5. The Skit

4. Main Character - Jon Gibson

3. Lake Point

2. And now for something complete

1. You Are What You Wish

The Skit: Jenna

avatar on 2018-10-15 04:28:31

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"Uh..." Jon paused for a moment. "How about Jenna?"

"Sure, that sounds fine with me," Gabby agreed. "So the idea is that we're all planning to go to an ice cream shop, and you're one of our friends but we won't let you go and it hurt your feelings."

"Alright. That seems quick and doable."

"Wait, I actually have an idea." Samantha took a hair tie from her arm. "Can you come over here?" Unsure what was going on, Jon walked over to Samantha. She stood up behind him and used Jon's short hair to make as much of a ponytail as possible, which wasn't much. "There, I made do with what I could, but..." She struggled to stifle a giggle. "That's the funniest hairdo I've seen in my life!"

Gabby chuckled a bit. Even Keelan looked at Jon in some wonderment.


"Alright, class, it's time to show off the skits you've made. We're going to start with that group over there," Mr. Dean explained, pointing to Jon's table.

"Well, Jenna, I guess it's go time," Samantha whispered. The group proceeded to the front of the stage. Gabby, Samantha and Jon turned to face each other.

"Jenna thinks she's friends with Samantha and Gabby, but she's in for a shock," Keelan explained.

"Uh, actually, Jenna, we wanna go without you. Is that fine?"

Jon turned around in feigned frustration and anger. "No! I thought we were friends!" He felt an itch in his hair, but he didn't pay much attention to it.

"Having felt like her friends pulled her close and then pushed her away, Jenna is distraught."

Jon sank to his knees and faked crying, putting his hands over his face. He felt the itch in his hair again but just dismissed it as the unfamiliar feeling of having a hair tie. He expected to hear Mr. Dean's voice offering some comment, but he didn't.

Jon's thoughts were instead interrupted by Gabby's voice.

"Jenna? Are you OK?"

It was when Jon took the hands off his face that he realized that something was wrong. He looked down and gulped to see two breasts pushing against his shirt. Then he felt the long hair, noticed the shorter frame, the absence of something between his legs.

It all hit him at once, in total and utter shock.

I'm actually a girl now.

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