Just then the house phone began to ring, and jon hurried down the stairs, hanging onto the rail for dear life. His breasts, which had been uncomfortable, became painful in their new position. He reached the phone at the last ring and picked it up.
"Hello " he began, and then grabbed his throat in surprise as he was reminded of what his voice sounded like.
There was an evil laugh on the other end . Becky
"I see you've realised there is not way round my wishes." She started, "And now I'm going to make some more, Just wanted you to hear them"
"First of all, I wish that when ever I make a wish that changes your appearance, you will notice the change, even if you don't hear the wish being said."
"Next, I wish that other people would be aware of the changes, and would be shocked to see them, and this goes for the changes I have already done to you."
"Finally, I wish that if anyone else makes a wish with this stone except me, that would try to reverse the changes I have done to you, it would just make them worse."
"Now", she said, "Lets try this"
Just then
Jon Get's a Phone Call
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