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14. Extra Credit (Not as good as i

13. The principal's office

12. Before School

11. Karyn finds out about Jon's wi

10. Jon bangs more of Karyn's fami

9. Becca Surprise

8. To Karyn

7. Karyn's mom

6. Jon's dad

5. Zoe

4. Jon feels a change

3. Common Place... Sex?

2. Jon's (perverted) fantasies

1. You Are What You Wish

To the Faculty Room

on 2018-09-25 00:50:00

1620 hits, 125 views, 1 upvotes.

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"We would like to go get extra credit."

"Very well then. You know where to go and what you need to do to prepare." He smiled. "I'll, uh, be stopping by later to check on you two."

Karyn nearly dragged Jon out with an excessively fake smile on her face.

"What the heck was that?" She blurted out when we rounded the corner down the hall. "Oh, right, you don't know what you're doing."

"I was trying to avoid the others for the day." Jon was shocked at Karyn's distaste for the extra credit option.

"Why do you think they have to go through the effort to add in extra credit and ignore the classes you miss? They can't get laid. The people in society who can't have kids wind up teachers or in other socially lower occupations. Nobody respects them, they're dropouts and flunkies with no kids. Everyone in school will laugh at us for taking the teachers in the faculty room if they find out."

Jon thought a moment.

"The whole world would prefer it if we had kids, right?"

"I know where you're going with this, but using the stone wouldn't feel right with me. It wouldn't be natural or on our own merits." Karyn spoke the words, but she was biting her lip and staring at Jon with eyes that betrayed that she wanted nothing more than to wish for a dozen kids.

"This entire system, world even, was made on a wish, remember? Who cares if we use another to cheat?" Jon proposed.

Karyn looked around to see if anybody was listening in to their conversation as they walked. She made Jon hang on to that question for a few minutes before they got to the teacher's lounge. They took great pains to make sure that they weren't followed. There was a lack of windows in the room to keep the identity of the student private to not tarnish their reputations. On the side there was a storage room that had the outfits that they were to wear as they went about their duty. Karyn broke her silence with Jon when they entered as she made sure the door was locked from the inside.

"Fine. We can have children using the stone. Let's wait until we are done with this to see if our classmates get wind of what we are doing. Maybe there's a chance we don't need to wish for a kid."

"Come on, you know you want my babies." Jon smirked. Karyn stuck out her tongue, but didn't correct him. They both knew that if she pushed back too much they might forget to go out and fuck in the closet the entire day. "Is this my uniform?" Jon brought up a French maid outfit.

"Yep." Karyn stripped and put on the uniform with ease. "Your butt will look cute in such a short skirt." Karyn gave Jon a peck on the cheek as she helped him undress. Jon was blushing the entire time. "Oh stop. You're behaving like the first time you had sex with my dad." Jon face got redder. Karyn snickered.

"You're nasty."

"I can't believe you fell for that." Karyn giggled at Jon. "Most find homosexuality less exciting because you can't have kids with it. Especially at our age. It's considered a waste when someone comes out of the closet."

Jon puzzled at some of the odd implications of this. Would this lead to more intolerance or would it simply divide people? He didn't even think of that when he made the wish.

"But sex is so common and accepted that if people are going at it they are completely receptive to any form of sexual intimacy. Past high school people are more accepting of it. A gay or lesbian friend are considered good friends to go to clubs with for that reason. I could tell you heaps of storied my sister came home with from college." Karyn smiled at her handiwork: Jon was dressed as a slutty maid. "Speaking of which, if the rumors are true... the teachers will mostly be homosexual. Makes sense if they didn't have kids. So, you better get ready for a pounding." She smacked Jon's butt as they exited the store room.

Jon didn't like the sound of that. He froze when he saw who was waiting outside the door in the faculty room.

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