(Note: I originally posted this in the wrong place.)
Jon grimaced to Karyn, "Can I choose manly lesbian?"
Karyn gave Jon a look and shook her head.
"Jonnie, Jonnie, Jonnie. For choosing an incorrect answer," Karyn said like some game show host, "you lose choosing your options."
"Karyn, why are you doing this to me? Just to have fun? Give me a break, please..."
"Well, for one thing," said Karyn, "you wished for an average girl's clothes by accident, and I can't reverse that, and you can't until you say the word. But you're right. I should give you what you ask for. I wish that until I change Jon again, Jon is a manly lesbian."
The wish worked, of course, and while Jon was still wearing normal girl's clothes, he certainly wasn't the same as he was a moment ago...