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22. Rescue Mission

21. Uh-oh

20. Plushie 101

19. Josie the little pussy cat gir

18. karen loves kittys

17. Sex Kitten

16. Choice made

15. too slow

14. options

13. Awakening

12. school girls

11. Clothes and more

10. what an Outfit

9. Just lock the door!

8. Jon decides to go home...

7. Tarting things up

6. Cosmetic changes

5. An opportunity to experiment?

4. Out to town

3. A new way to control the rock

Save The Plushie

on 2003-12-28 21:49:26

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An upset Karen sat fuming in the cafeteria with her friend Tracy. She was pissed at the double standard.
Sarah and her snobby friends have always been able to bring anything into class without a single word from any of their teachers. BUT NO! The first time she brings in a little stuffed toy, and it gets confiscated. She didn't even want to think about what the toy really was. Tracy interrupted Karen's fuming when she said "I'm so sorry about your loosing that cute plushie. If you want, I'll go with you to the mall to help you find a replacement for it." A surprised Karen asked "A replacement? Why do I need a replacement?! I'll just pick it up after school."
Tracy sighed as she explained "I heard that Mr. Jenson's pet cheerleader decided that she wanted your old plushie, so she is going to have Mr. Jenson give it to her when they get together later and he will tell you that it got stolen." Karen instantly went white as she gasped out "Nooo!!!" Tracy sighed as she said "yes!"
Karen then blurted "I've got to rescue my little Josie!" Tracy asked "How? He probably has your toy locked in his desk if he hasn't already left for his little rendezvous with her." A very worried Karen asked "Tracy; will you help me save my plushie?!" Tracy nodded as she said "I guess so. But; if we want to save it, we better start now." Karen quickly thanked Tracy and then both girls left the cafeteria.

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