Jon stepped through the door of his high school with Karen at his side and stopped.
He stood stunned for a moment and blinked. Everyone in the halls stopped and stared at Jon.
Jon looked down his clothes to see he was still dressed like a girl. He was even holding a purse!
"Karen!!! What the hell did you do to me!?!?!?" Jon yelled at the top of his lungs causing anyone that hadn't stopped to stare to do just that.
"Jeeze, can't take a little joke, Jon" Karen smirked, "No one will even remember this. Remember I got the stone."
"Jon, Well fix it all ready!" Jon said pissed off. Face turning red as he stood infront of the school dressed as a girl.
"Fine, fine, fine. I'll fix it," Karen said with an even bigger grin.
Jon looked worried, "Karen, no, not that look, don't do it"
Karen held the stone tightly and said the fateful words.