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27. Preparing the Ritual

26. Finding the Source

25. Athena's Affected

24. Athena Checks It Out

23. It's Magic?

22. Zoe Takes It

21. Zoe Drops In

20. Jon Stays Up

19. Returning Home

18. Learning to Share

17. It's a Tie

16. DDR

15. Karyn's Game

14. The next day

13. Not actually getting to bed

12. Getting to bed

11. Karyn has some fun

10. End of a busy day

9. Sausage Wars

8. Big Things come up

Preparing the Ritual

on 2010-10-12 04:07:51

1401 hits, 90 views, 1 upvotes.

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Athena opens the box and pulls out a dark bag by the drawstring. It droops under the weight of whatever's inside it. She loosens the fastener and puts her hand inside. It appears to go in deeper than is possible- her arm sinks until the felt trim brushes against her elbow. Zoe's taken aback by the outlandish display. Sensing this, Athena makes a show of rooting around inside for whatever she's looking for- holding the bag with one hand, the other arm flailing at the elbow furiously while the bag stays still, her face displaying intense concentration, tongue stuck slightly past her lips. Zoe can't help but chuckle.

"Alright, but seriously," Athena says, finally taking hold of something, and pulling it out. It's another felt bag, and Zoe raises an eyebrow skeptically, waiting for the punchline, if this isn't in fact it. Instead, Athena reaches tenderly inside it and assumes a look of intense concentration. She pulls out her hand, carrying a pinch of a strange translucent powder. Reciting a chant under her breath, she closes her eyes and begins to move her arm. It looks as though she's doing this from memory, but Zoe begins to get the worrying sensation that it's not Athena who's doing this. the powder spills from between her fingers, transmuting to a shimmering light purple fluid as it falls. I splats along her bedroom floor, sounding like someone pouring water onto the ground.

Zoe senses her uneasiness fade as Athena sits back. Her chanting changes tempo, and begins to get louder. Slowly, Zoe can make out what she's saying.

"Klaatu, Verata, Nikto," Athena speaks, suddenly audible.

"Ugh, you're such a bitch!" Zoe shouts, slapping Athena on the shoulder. Athena just smiles in her usual bemused way. "You seriously creeped me out when you were spreading that shit- it's like you checked out or something."

Athena's eyes betrayed a bit of surprise, but she quickly caught herself and smiled again. "Someday I'll have to teach you a few tricks of my trade, sweetness."

She turned her attention back to the task at hand, not seeing but knowing that Zoe was blushing furiously to her side. She knew it was weird, but suddenly being bi might actually be a good turn- she wouldn't mind jumping Zoe's bones, and had the benefit of them already being devoted friends. Shaking her head to focus, she sets the penis in the middle of the circle.

"Alright then, Zo- Let's see what this thing is made of," she says, looking into her friend's beautiful green eyes and smiling excitedly.

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