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25. Athena's Affected

24. Athena Checks It Out

23. It's Magic?

22. Zoe Takes It

21. Zoe Drops In

20. Jon Stays Up

19. Returning Home

18. Learning to Share

17. It's a Tie

16. DDR

15. Karyn's Game

14. The next day

13. Not actually getting to bed

12. Getting to bed

11. Karyn has some fun

10. End of a busy day

9. Sausage Wars

8. Big Things come up

7. Jon can reach

6. Things are looking up for Jon

Athena's Affected

on 2010-08-25 04:28:13

1552 hits, 104 views, 1 upvotes.

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Athena pulled her panties outward to get a better look at her new junk. It rested gently atop the waistband, hard as could be.

"So like I was saying," Zoe started, "it starts to mess with your head. I'm still feeling it."

"Yeah..." Athena let out, looking at herself like it was the first time. "It makes me feel... sexy."

"Trust me, Athena. You definitely ARE."

Zoe hadn't meant it as a come-on, but more a statement of fact. Athena was fit, had a gorgeous face, and was certainly well-endowed. Athena looked up at Zoe, who was pacing around the room. She had her back turned at the moment. The pink panties she was wearing were a bit too small, and likely a pair from when she was younger. Athena thanked the powers that be for laundry day- they only came far enough upward to let a little glimpse of crack peek out, and a healthy amount of her butt push out the legs. She could make out the curvature of each cheek and the gentle curves in the fabric where they met. She was thunderstruck.

"So what do you think?"


"What do you think? Is it ok to use? I want to try it out, but I'm also kinda scared by how it affects my mind," Zoe elucidated.

"Oh, right." Athena mumbled, still stricken by Zoe's lithe body. She made to pull it off. It didn't budge.

"Hey Zo-" she said, starting to get worried. "It's not coming off."

"Shit, what?"

"It's stuck to me!" Athena dropped her pajamas, losing any interest in privacy thanks to her panic (though likely also due to how horny she was for Zoe). The penis jutted proudly from her.

Zoe reached down and touched it, which sent a shiver down Athena's spine.

"I'm gonna try."

Athena looked her in the face, torn between fear and lust. "Zoe..."

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