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23. It's Magic?

22. Zoe Takes It

21. Zoe Drops In

20. Jon Stays Up

19. Returning Home

18. Learning to Share

17. It's a Tie

16. DDR

15. Karyn's Game

14. The next day

13. Not actually getting to bed

12. Getting to bed

11. Karyn has some fun

10. End of a busy day

9. Sausage Wars

8. Big Things come up

7. Jon can reach

6. Things are looking up for Jon

5. Jon is distracted in the showe

4. Safety Factor ??

It's Magic?

on 2010-08-13 04:26:28

1797 hits, 115 views, 1 upvotes.

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Zoe looked down at her crotch, now proudly displaying her new penis. She couldn't believe it! She had just put it up to her body and it... attached!

She grabbed it with both hands and gave it a gentle tug- it popped off in her hands. It lost it's warmth and became a regular dildo again.

"What the hell? Is this some sort of magic? Why the hell would my brother have a magic penis?"

She looked over at her bookshelf, her magic texts sitting there disused. No, they didn't have anything like this- she would have remembered it. It was late, but no matter. She had to know. She flipped out her cell phone and sent a quick text to Athena, her magically-inclined friend. "I've got an" at this Zoe hesitated, not sure what to call it. "artifact that I think might be magic. Are you up? Can I come over?"

Text sent, she set the phone down next to her and reattached the penis. It was so weird- she felt really turned on. She looked at herself in the mirror. Her newly blossomed body really set her off. She lowered a hand to touch her penis and started to rub.

She felt awesome.

Jon, in his room down the hall, began to have a dream about having sex with Karyn, him in his female form with the dildo attached.

Karyn began to have a dream of her own- penis attached at her crotch, having sex with multiple beautiful women, one of them Jon.

Zoe was starting to get into it when her message was responded to. "Sure, come on over. I wasn't planning on sleeping for a while."

Zoe sighed and laid flat on the bed, catching her breath. She yanked the dildo off and got dressed. Picking up the dildo again, she noticed some buttons on the hilt. She hit ORIG and it shrank to around 4 inches.

"Oh, neat! I can make it different sizes?" She shrank it down until it was only an inch long and stuck it in her pocket. "Aw, travel sized!" she said, patting the pocket.

She opened her window and headed out to Athena's.

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