Jon grabbed the stone and said, "I wish we had a fully functional Dance Dance Revolution arcade cabinet in the cabin."
Karyn raised an eyebrow. "Oh? Interesting. Let us see how strong your style kung fu is," she said while moving her mouth out of time, like in Jon's favorite old movies.
They walked downstairs and found a machine, pristine, sitting in wait for them. Karyn took the liberty of wishing up a sports bra for Jon, and detached her penis. Her hand accidentally hit the ORIG button as she went to place it on a nearby table. Jon saw this happening, but just blushed and said nothing. Karyn looked back at him with a knowing smile.
"Okay, let's do this!" Karyn shouted.
They did the best of three songs. Jon was having trouble getting his balance thanks to his new higher center of gravity, but at least he didn't fall down. To be fair, Karyn too was having trouble with her wish enhanced assets, so no one had too great an advantage.
When they finished the last song, they collapsed on the pads together, exhausted but smiling.
"You're pretty good in this body, Jon-girl" Karyn said, putting her hand on his stomach. She was a bit put out by this feeling- She was still attracted to Jon like this. Had the penis gotten to her? Did she even care?
Jon looked over at Karyn with a bit of confusion. Was she finally coming on to him? Why did it have to be now that he had a vagina? Cursing his luck but not thinking much on it, he looked up at the score screen and watched the spinning score tallies intently.