"I am sorry; I could not do much more. I was very limited as to what I could change you too," Suzie stated in a very apologetic tone." I could not change your gender or physical characteristics, so my only option was to change your profession."
"So why not make me be a warrior or a fighter or something," I said in a slightly upset tone.
"Because you have zero experience and your personality traits really limit me. I would have to change to many things to change you into a warrior, plus it cost me five hundred Gil to make you into this," Suzie replied. "Darn, I have to go, I set my alarm and I have to leave, I will be back later, maybe then you can have this avatar thing worked out?"
I kissed her on the check and let her be on her way.
"What to do, I am a sexy maid and have an hour left before my alarm goes off, maybe I should try to earn some gil and experience to pay back Suzie for this" I said.
So I went towards the door and walked outside
"God these boobs are weird, I wonder how women can stand this." I mumbled to myself as I stepped outside.