Karyn looked around herself in confusion. "Jon?" she asked, looking at her friend who was smiling at her.
For Jon, seeing Karyn restored was the happiest moment of his life. As she looked at him waiting for an answer, he now knew that she was more than just a friend to him, and had been for a long time. It just took almost losing her forever to make him realize it.
"Jon?" she asked again, as he closed the distance between them, and took her in his arms. Before she could say another word, he drew her close and kissed her deeply. At first, she resisted, but then put her arms around him and kissed him back. Soon, they were on his sleeping back undressing each other.
Afterwards, they curled up together and cuddled. "Not that I'm complaining," Karyn said softly, "but would you care to tell me what brought that on?"
And Jon told her everything. How he had turned her into a bra and wore her on the female body she had given him. How he had then restored himself, but at the cost of her original body. And how he had used one of her own bras to retrieve her original pattern from the remote's buffer.
While he talked, Karyn had sat up and listened quietly. "I see," she said quietly. Jon was afraid that she would be mad, but she turned back to him and smiled. "Well, I'm lucky that you're such a quick thinker, huh?"
Jon smiled back. "Absolutely," he told her. "However, there's still a problem with this situation."
"Yes," he said, using a finger to trace her bust line. "This is no longer your original form. If someone was to point that damned remote at you and push the ORIG button, you'd turn back into a bra."
"And I'm not sure that since I used your pattern to restore you that I'd be able to do it again."
Karyn thought about what he was saying. "Yeah, that could be a problem," she nodded. "But I think I know a way to fix it."