Karyn looked down at his sleeping mate. Jon was truly beautiful, her long dark red hair a perfect match for her tail, which seemed to be as well groomed as her hair. Her equine coat was a coppery red that shone with her sweat. Her big pouty lips had a contented smile on them as she slept. Her face bore little resemblance to Karyn's old boyfriend. Jon now had elegant cheekbones, a narrow chin, and a proud nose -- overall she looked vaguely equine but also gorgeously female. The long horse ears that poked through the heavy mass of her hair only added to the effect.
Karyn felt his cock begin to poke out of its sheath as he contemplated Jon's firm, high breasts. God, I am such a guy now, the new centaur thought to himself. He could not resist gently tracing the curve of Jon's breast and teasing the nipple ever so lightly. He grinned as Jon stirred a bit in her sleep.
I never want this to end, Karyn realized. He had never counted on being male but he was a centaur, just like in his dreams. And the sex he and Jon had shared had been nothing short of fantastic. He knew what would happen once she woke up, though. Jon would immediately start planning some way to wish them back to normal. Karyn frowned. He was not ready for that, at least not yet. On the other hand, he and Jon could not exactly go back home this way.
Karyn thought for a long time, his tail swishing idly behind him. He wanted to stay a centaur, but he wanted to be female again too, at least sometimes. He loved the experience he had just had with Jon but wondered what it would be like with the roles reveresed. He did not want to risk a big, world-changing wish like making everyone centaurs -- though he grinned at the thought of his parents on hooves. Finally, he was finding that he liked changing shapes. It was wierd but fun, and he wanted to be able to do so without making wishes all the time.
Finally, as Jon was beginning to stir, Karyn gripped the rock in his hand and said, "I wish that centaurs were shape shifters, able to assume any form that includes any combination of human and horse, male or female... or any combination. I wish that Jon and I would know how to use this shape shifting ability and enjoy doing so. I wish that Jon and I would be completely comfortable in any form that we assume. Finally, I wish that Jon would always do as I ask whenever I start my request with 'Jon, honey, please'."
The stone flashed and Jon and Karyn's forms seemed to ripple for a moment. Jon's eyes opened and Karyn's breath caught at the emerald pools that regarded him blearily. "Karyn?" asked Jon in her sweet soprano. "Did you just make a wish?" She looked down at herself, feminine hands touching breasts and forelegs. "We're still centaurs?"
Karyn smiled at his mare and wondered what to tell her...