On the ride to School, Jon sat in silence as Karyn and his new identical twin Jenni chatted on and on.
He realized what he had done with this wish, and with no escape clause, he was stuck. A few other things started to settle in, Jenni came out of the room that Zoe used to have. He did not see, or hear her. Heck, he did not even see Mikey this morning. He knew Jessica was off to work, and being older, likely did not change. But he would need to get somewhere and find out everything this wish changed.
Jon was finally snapped out of his thoughts when the arrived at school, and Jenni poked his arm.
"Joni, we are here. Honestly, you need to get more sleep, and stop fooling around with that stone of yours all night. Be careful today with that thing, I still cannot believe you brought it with you," Jenni said as she got out of the car.
"You brought that here, jeez Joni, be careful. You see what a few wrong worded wishes did to me, you better be careful with the way your head is in the clouds today," said Karyn as she got out of the car.
Jon was going to reply, but then his phone started to buzz, it was a text from ...