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8. Genetically Enhanced Girl

7. Max

6. My hero!

5. Subject to Normal

4. Flight of Fancy

3. Morning Dispute

2. They each sleep on it

1. You Are What You Wish

Genetically Enhanced Girl

avatar on 2007-07-18 04:05:10

1022 hits, 45 views, 0 upvotes.

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"And I'm here to tell you I'm also ready to kick some butt," the new Max said, as her smile slowly grew wider.

"Kick butt? What do you mean? What kind of TV show is this?" Karyn asked.

"It's an action show and I'm a genetically enhanced girl. Watch," she said, before jumping 10 feet in the air, without even trying that much.

"Whoa! That's amazing!" Karyn said, astonished.

"Yeah, I know. That's why I picked this form. I also know a bunch of martial arts moves. I can't wait to try them out on some bad guys."

"Um, Jon."

"Call me Max now."

"Okay. Max. There aren't too many criminals around, you know. Unless you count speeders."

"They're out there, Karyn. And I'm gonna find them." Then Max ran away. Karyn hesitantly followed, hoping that Jon (or Max) wouldn't get into too much trouble.

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