"Yeah. I hated being a boy. But, thanks to you I can finally be a girl."
Just as Jon said it, it didn't seem right. He did like being a girl more than a boy, but it was really only because of the wish. Deep down, he (or rather she) knew that it was not so. But, for some reason, Jon could not express those thoughts. Would Jon speak as a girl for the rest of his life?
"I'm glad you're taking this so well, Jon. I thought it would be harder to bring you around."
"No way, Mom. I'm looking forward to living as a girl," Jon said happily. Once again deep down, Jon knew that that wasn't true. But there was no way of expressing that. It was as if the real Jon was trapped inside this girl's body, with everyone interacting with only the girl and not the real Jon. If Jon hadn't heard the wish, it would have been different. But since he had, he has become forever imprisoned within the mind of this "new" teenage girl.