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28. The Morning Continues

27. The next morning

26. Sherry Punishes Jon with the R

25. Sherry Reveals the Rock

24. Heading Home

23. Speed Dating

22. A few weeks later

21. Downstairs

20. The next morning

19. Things get even worse for Jon

18. Things have changed at home

17. Jon gains a new habit

16. More slow changes

15. looking at his future

14. Further Changes

13. Heading Out

12. Mom wants to see how this turn

11. Breakfast time

10. In the morning...

9. Changes Continued...

The Morning Continues

on 2016-07-25 13:42:55

1661 hits, 122 views, 1 upvotes.

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Sherry continued with the rock "Jon is now Sandie to all and loves to flirt with men "“ showing off his big boobs and sexy clothes. But Sandie has no interest in men sexually except for his husband David. When in David's presence, Sandie will be the perfect trophy wife doing whatever David wants. Other than all of this, Sandie will think like the old Jon "“ still be disgusted with his situation".

Sherry then talks with the new improved Sandie. "So Sandie, what are you doing over here so early this morning?"

Sandie replies "Sherry, you know what is going on .I look like a wet dream for men . I love this look but I know it isn't right as I don't like men". I I just can't understand what is happening to me "

"Now now Sandie" Sherry says "Since when don't you like men? You and David are like rabbits!"

Sandie blushes deep red. "Well David is somehow an exception. I can't help myself."

Sherry smiles. "Well sister, you get enough sex for both of us. I am jealous but happy for you. How about we get some coffee and then head to the mall?"

"OK" sis, replies Sandie. "You know I love picking out clothes. Maybe I can get something sexier. I think most of my skirts are not short enough as you know I love showing off my sexy thighs."

"Oh yes Sandie, I know you are proud of your clothes" Sherry says "“ smiling to herself as they both head out the door.

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