Sherry stood there in shock. Jon stood there looking in the mirror and crying. But instead of Jon the boy, Jon was a girl. How could this happen? she thought. I wanted Jon to become like in only one way. She ducked out and made a wish to find out what had happened. Knowledge flooded into her mind and suddenly she understood: Jon was like her in only one way. He had gotten her second X chromasome, which had made her female, instead of his original Y chromasome, which had made him male. Unfortunately, this single change had created changes of its own. Since Jon now had two X chromasomes, he was now female instead of male. The DNA mixture was different than it had been before, he had his original X and his mother's second X, so he wasn't a straight female version of himself. He looked something like a female mixture of himself and her. She went back into Jon's room.
"This is horrible, Mom," Jon said in her new female voice. "I'm a girl now. How am I supposed to live like this? I don't know how to take care of a girl's body. I don't know how to put on a bra or put in a tampon. I can get pregnant now. What will the others think at school? What will Karyn think? Will they know that I've changed? Or will they think that I've always been female? I'm so confused. I... I think I'm starting to like guys Mom. But, I'm still attracted to girls, too. Oh, what am I going to do?" Jon started sobbing and Sherry put her arm around her new daughter's shoulders and tried to console her. She didn't know what to do either.