Lauren hastily made her way back to Ms. Tran's classroom as fast as she could without falling over in the heels she now wore. She hated heels and was normally more of a tomboy. Despite her predicament, she knew that there wasn't she could do right now since she also inadvertently wished for this along side Ms. Tran. Chemistry was her most disliked class this year if not ever and now she had to teach it despite not knowing very much about it herself.
Entering the classroom, Lauren saw that most of the students were already in their seats and were either talking amongst each other or going over their notes. She knew the feeling well since she had just gone through this herself this morning.
"Okay class..." Lauren said in an unsure voice. Almost immediately everyone turned their attention towards her and Lauren briefly froze as she didn't know what to do.
"Is something wrong Ms. Tran?" Patty Davis asked from one of the front row seats.
Lauren didn't recognize at first that Patty was talking to her. It took her a moment to clear her throat and figure out what to say. She remembered Ms. Tran telling her to pass out a quiz and teach something that was written down later. "Uh... okay class. I... uh... umm... I have a quiz for you."
Everyone reacted differently but Lauren could tell that nearly all of them were not happy. She couldn't blame them. To her, chemistry sucked and now that she was in charge, she was the one making others like her miserable. Lauren briefly thought about not passing out the quiz or teaching but she didn't want to any problems for Ms. Tran whenever she figured out way to switch back.
Walking over to what was her desk for the moment, Lauren easily spotted the stack of quizzes that Ms. Tran had planned to give out. She picked them up and passed them out in smaller piles to the students that sat in the front row.
Finally getting into the swing of things, Lauren addressed the class again "I know Ms. Tran normally... I mean I normally give you 45 minutes on these quizzes but today you all will have an hour."
It wasn't much but it was the best that she could do for them without getting Ms. Tran angry with her. Lauren really wanted to be herself again and the last thing she wanted to do was give Ms. Tran a reason to punish her when everything was back to normal. As everyone worked on their quiz, Lauren sat down in her teacher's chair and read over some outline that was bookmarked in her lesson plan.
"There's no way I can figure this out in the next hour." Lauren thought. Ms. Tran apparently had planned on teaching the introduction of how to balance chemical equations. Most of what was written down seemed like it was in another language to her after the first few bullets so Lauren quickly gave up on trying to figure it out and started thinking of what else she could do. After about 20 minutes, Lauren decided she would try her best to explain what she could understand and then release the class a few minutes early. The quiz that she made longer also helped burn away some time too.
As the hour drew close, students slowly came up to her and turned in their quizzes. Lauren was dreading the quiz's end herself since she didn't want to teach. She knew that she looked nervous but she didn't care. Finally after giving the last couple students an extra two minutes, Lauren demanded the remaining quizzes be turned in and tried her best to start teaching.
Being slow and clumsy, Lauren took longer than she thought she would to get through the only section she could understand in the lesson plan. Writing things down on the board wasn't as easy as it looked to her and her writing wasn't as neat as Ms. Tran's normally was. Before she knew it the bell rang and people began to pack up their things and leave.
School was officially over for the day but Lauren had to wait. Class had been over for 5 minutes and both Ms. Tran's classroom and the immediate hallway were deserted. What worried Lauren however was that Ms. Tran hadn't shown up yet. She tried to find something to distract herself and went back to Ms. Tran's desk. She went through the drawers when she found her purse in the bottom one. Curious, she picked it up and placed it on her lap and began to rummage through it.
"What are you doing in MY purse!?!" Ms. Tran demanded as she stood in the doorway.