Opening night jitters had hit almost everyone. Miss Goodbody tried to calm their nerves. For most of the drama class, this was their first play. Her few 'old pros' hadn't done a lot of acting the year before and were just about as nervous.
She noticed that Robin was in costume and that he was holding a small rock or something. He looked less nervous than everyone else.
Robin stood off to the side, his nerves almost paralyzing him. Remembering what Miss Goodbody had told him, he pulled his lucky rock from his back pack and held it in his hand. "I sure wish that everything goes well tonight and that everyone thinks I am a girl." He said to help calm his nerves.
Hearing the five minute call, he put his lucky rock away and moved to where he was to be at the start of the play.
Miss Goodbody had been right. He was not very nervous at all.