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6. Zoe

5. The next morning

4. Fixing some problem

3. Too bad she didn't actually sa

2. Mom's Turn

1. You Are What You Wish

It's stay in the family

on 2017-03-03 02:16:29

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Zoe, not a 14 year old Zoe, all goth an dark, but a 40 year old mature women looking at is son, which as not told her where he was last night or what he was doing, "Where were you last night?" she ask in a tone of authority, Jon looking back at her " Aaaaaaah, at Laela house." She look at im an made a sigh of relief, "he was not doing anything stupid like me at is age, it's ok stop worrying about im he's going to be ok." she tough, "Next time, please call me or text me please, i was worry about you all night!" she said, "Sure thing Mom." said Jon as he was passing her an getting up the stairs, going to is room.

As he was passing the door of his brother Mikey an the one of his parent, he turn the corner to face two doors the one in face of im was the room of his sister Sabrina an the one on the right was is room, he went in he got change an took a quick shower before going to school, as he was going to get going, ask without opening the door of his sister room if she wanted a lift, by the mumbling an groan he receive a an answer, he decided on a no.

So he took his keys and went outside to get is car which he left at home last day, he left is house an went to take is girlfriend at her house, when she entered she look at im an kiss im, the look at her phone and said "Can we get Sarah on the way, she will not make you wait this morning." Jon look at her a little confused, "Sarah, the same Sarah McMillan, the bitch considering herself to be the Queen of the school?" he tough, has he was about ask is question, he saw is girlfriend eyes, asking im this one favor, then he said "OK,Ok we will go get her, but after Karyn ok?" she look at im happy an said "Sure, you drive you pick in what order." as he was driving Jon tough "Let's just hope it'S not the same Sarah that im thinking."

After getting Karyn, Jon went the direction that Laela point im too, figuring rapidly that it's was the direction of Sarah McMillan, "What, is this?" Jon thought, I don't ever been friend with her." as the two girls were talking about her like she was there oldest friend. When they finally arrive at the McMillan house, "More like a freaking mansion." Jon thought, Sarah came out of the front door, she was Sarah McMillan OK, but entirely different, she was wearing et usual clothing, but a simple jean with a tank top with the words "Sleep is my cardio" over a Snorlax on it, she didn't have her usual purse, but a useful bag with only one strap, bye were the expensive boots, at their place was some normal sneakers, Jon look at her in shock until Sarah look at im an said "Sup, Private Driver." like they were the best friends in the world, is answer was automatic "Sup, Crazy Old Hag." then he let her in, still in shock mentally, but going with the flow.

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