"...little letch," said Marsha, unexpectedly looking down. Before her was Jon. Only smaller...
"Uh oh," squeaked a four-foot tall version of Jon. To him, he was still holding breasts the same size he had before Marsha had shrunk them. And, to make matters worse, he still couldn't let go.
"Please be careful!" he squeaked.
Marsha's jaw had dropped at what had just happened.
"You can't reverse anything you wished so I can't let go until we find a way around the original wish," said Jon.
"You wished to be holding my breasts?" Marsha shouted down at him, "You're sick."
"No!" pleaded the mini-Jon, "I didn't! Wish that you knew what the original wish was!"
Marsha thought for a second, realized it couldn't do any harm, and did just that. Suddenly she realized what Jon's mom had done.
"Alright," she said, "I wish..."