Quietness came over them a long moment, before Alex looked up and sighed, "Hey, you are just really good on the floor. And there is nothing to say a man can't strip. And to be honest "“ okay "“ it did turn me on, so that is just a testimony to your skill. Doesn't change how I am going to help you."
John felt relief as he smiled back at Alex, "Thank you. It is important to me, and it is nice to finally find someone willing to help."
"Have the other girls not tried to help you?"
While Alex seemed to be accepting of John being a male, his comment still seemed to indicate that he thought of John more as a girl than as a man. John admitted to himself that if it meant Alex was willing to help, then he could accept that small price. "Most of them are locked into some type of submission to Louie. He was trying to force me to submit to him more when I shouted at him, and then broke down and cried."
Alex frowned and looked away, seeming ashamed at what he was thinking a moment. Then he looked back, "Okay, so we check his room out first. But he is bound to be there, or any of his girls might be around."
John nodded, and looked down at the ground trying to think over the options. He knew the wishes, at least the ones he had heard. He knew he couldn't hurt Louie himself, and that meant he probably wouldn't be able to get Alex to hurt him. He rubbed his face for a moment, what would keep Louie busy enough that Alex could get the stone... he then closed his eyes and sighed figuring out what would be a good way to keep Louie busy.
He looked up at Alex and frowned, "I have a plan... but I don't think I like it."