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29. Gets Ready for next Dance

28. The Second Dance

27. Jon dresses as the Naughty Sch

26. Trying to escape

25. The Dance continues

24. Off to the dance

23. Jon gets ready - as if he has

22. Krystal tells all

21. Jon takes action

20. Krystal gets the stone.

19. And by find, I mean take...

18. No, read that contract careful

17. Back to the club!

16. Get Out of There Jon!

15. After a week...

14. Girls just wanna have fun!

13. Another dancer

12. The girls get new names

11. More than a week

10. Dancing for pleasure

Getting ready for the next dance

on 2008-09-21 03:25:34

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John glared at the outfit and shook his head, "There is no way in hell I'm going to wear that!" He snarled, but Krystal just laughed and held it out for him.

"Oh, I think you will dear, I remember hearing my lovely Master that you would wear anything I told you to wear, didn't he?" She laughed, as John felt his body taking hold of the outfit.

Krystal slowly helped him out of the outfit, making small gossip about the other girls, and about how sexy she felt when Louie entered her today, "It just felt so grand, like he was the centre of my universe of something, like, greatest sex ever!"

John tried to ignore her, it wasn't going to have fun, and he thought back to what happened with the last dance. While dancing he had seen his arms changing, and even though he could watch them altering into the sexy, hairless, slender shape they now where, he couldn't change or stop himself from dancing. Then he skipped down the steps. Was it possible that the personality changes were already working on him in the background.

Originally John thought the personality changes wouldn't have come until after the physical, but had Louie done something to make his personality start changing at the same time? Thinking back, John couldn't help but remember that he was in fact happy when he was dancing. Even though he knew it was being forced on him, a part of him was enjoying the dancing, and he would loose himself to the movements, and the cheers of the men.

He swore to make more effort to detach himself from the dancing, monitor his actions more, and be more in control of how he was acting off the stage. Louie might have thought he had won, but John wasn't going to make this easy, he was going to try anything he could to prevent this wish from coming true.

It was at that moment that Krystal broke his concentration and giggled, "Oh you look so adorable!"

Look into the mirror, John was once again assaulted with the evidence that he was stuck in a nightmare that just didn't seem to want to end. Before him, he was dressed in all black, it wasn't the typical belly dancer outfit that he would have expected. Encasing his very sexy smooth legs were soft see-through silky pants, and around his belly a red silky hip scarf with golden sequins. He also wore a black silk short sleeve top, with a sweetheart neckline, and a vee at the front. If he had breasts, it would have show so much cleavage that the men would have been drooling almost the instant he went on the stage. Dangling from the top, were fringes of golden silk, which tickled a belly. And in his belly button, a golden belly ring. He couldn't remember when that was put on him, and he hoped it was just stuck there, instead of him having a belly ring now.

"Just beautiful!" Louie's voice came from the doorway, and John turned to see him. Without wanting, the skirt fluttered around his legs, and sent a shiver of pleasure as the material brushed both the thin pants, and his smooth legs. It was also at that time that John realised he was wearing high heeled red shoes, and it had been totally effortless for him to move in them, almost like second nature.

"What are you doing to me?! Why is it so easy for me to move in these clothing!" John demanded, and Louie just smiled.

"Well John, I would have thought you would have realised the alteration almost instantly, but when you were up on the stage, well I had an idea. Anything clothing you wear, will now have some slight affect on your personality." Louie chuckled as John snarled and turned away from Louie.

As John looked into the mirror, he suddenly realised he was pouting, not just pouting he was biting his life almost slightly like a cute girly schoolgirl. He tried to stop himself, but it was so hard to stop looking suddenly like a spoiled child, and even though it was still him, he could almost image the very female looking pout, the very female looking sexy pout. He turned away from the mirror, breaking himself out of the pull that was making him focus on the changes. He put a little finger to his lips and curses softly under his breath.

Louie's laughter made John realised he was standing there, pouting, and looking very girlish in the way he was standing, "You are going to be so adorable when you finish changing, John. Your body language is already so very sexy, and girly after that Schoolgirl dance. I can't wait to see how much better you will be after this dance. In fact, I think it is your turn now. Oh, and don't worry, this is the last dance for the night."

John glared at Louie a moment, and wanted nothing more than to kill the manager, but as Louie clicked his fingers and ordered him to the stage, John felt that sudden urge and need again to do as he was told.

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