By the end of the week Jasmine had gotten really into her work. She was dancing up a storm, far surpassing her colleagues. Unfortunately (well, depending on how you look at it), the original wish was very clear: spend the next week. So on that late night (Jasmine happened to be working alone), on stage she turned back into Jon (still wearing stripper clothes, Jon felt naked).
Jon ran back stage and wished to know what was going on, as his memories seemed scattered. He remembered loving stripping, but now he was scared and hated it. The rock gave the answers, Jon knew he didn't like stripping any longer because he was no longer "one of his [Louie's] girls." He wasn't a girl at all, if he was to change back, he woud again enjoy stripping. His contract was still for three years, though he could wish that down to anytime more than a week (which had already passed anyway). Finally, his mom had changed back (but still desired to strip), but Karyn was still Krystal.
He started to hear shouts from outside, obviously from his sudden change into a man, then dissappearance.