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22. a hard truth

21. Jon begins to realize that he

20. The aftermath of Karyn's carel

19. Another careless wish from Kar

18. The scramble for the stone

17. Mikey wishes Jon to be cuter

16. Mikey helps Jon....

15. Mikey seizes the stone

14. the wishes get worse

13. Just great....

12. now for the girly clothes

11. Jon gets a girlish bath from K

10. decisions

9. A Training bra

8. Hold Onto that Rock

7. Cloud of Dust

6. Confronting Mom

5. 10 Again

4. Further adjustments

3. What's happening to Jon?

Its almost over.....

on 2014-02-22 02:03:10

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Although she meant well, Karyn's attempts to calm Jon were counterproductive. Jon started to scream for her to stop calling him CJ, and most importantly, restore him to his true form.

"I can't. You know that, CJ. I don't mean to be harsh, but the first thing I'd do would be to change myself back. Since I look like, as you so kindly put it, an 'airhead', you can see I can't. Cee. I know it would be hard for you to accept, but your only real option is for me to finish off your transformation. You know that even if I dressed you as a boy, everyone that sees you would assume you're a girl."

"No" Jon snapped.

"I can teach you whatever you need to know" Karyn said. she paused as she thought of a way to persuade her transformed friend. She quickly pulled off her top. Jon stared at her surprised.

"What are you doing?" Jon demanded.

"Relax. We're both girls" Karyn said, as she unhooked her bra. Jon stood silent, fuming about the girls remark. He looked at Karyn's breasts, but to his horror, he felt nothing. He looked down at his naked form and saw that his body didn't react either.

"What's wrong with me?" Jon wailed. He knew that earlier that day he would had loved to see Karyn standing semi-naked in his room.

"That's because you're a girl, Catherine. Even the stone thinks so. I wish CJ is wearing her panties" Karyn said. After Jon's vision cleared from the flash, he saw that he was now wearing a pair of cotton panties with images of Disney Princesses printed on the front. Jon felt sick; he had lost half his age and world now was conspiring to force him into girlhood.

"Karyn! Leave me alone. Just go and leave me the stone" Jon said.

"Okay, CJ. I just want you to be happy" Karyn said as she slid her bra and top back on. Jon didn't see that as she left, she took the stone with her.

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