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14. the wishes get worse

13. Just great....

12. now for the girly clothes

11. Jon gets a girlish bath from K

10. decisions

9. A Training bra

8. Hold Onto that Rock

7. Cloud of Dust

6. Confronting Mom

5. 10 Again

4. Further adjustments

3. What's happening to Jon?

2. Mom's Turn

1. You Are What You Wish

No change for Jon

on 2011-11-14 23:08:42

2531 hits, 172 views, 0 upvotes.

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Jon blinked, disapointed to see he was still a 10 year old, dressed like a schoolgirl. "Why didn't it work?" he screamed, again stamping his Mary Jane clad feet.

"Guess becaue of the earlier wishes" Karyn said thoughtfully. "Your mom did repeatedly wished you was more like me. And I don't have a little sister, Jon. guess you can't look like someone if they don't exist. My guess is if somehow you're wished into my little sister, you won't look like me. Maybe you'll get the red hair I once had" Both she and Jon ignored his mom's statement saying that Karyn never had red hair.

"Not going to happen" jon said. "So what am I going to do. I can't go around looking like some 10 year old. I'm not supposed to be 10 anyway. i wish I was a teen"

All three waited for the flash, but none came. "Noooooo! You mean, I'm stuck as a ten year old? Jon said dispairingly, dropping the stone.

"I afraid so, Jon, but I think you'll age normally" his mom said.

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