"All right," said Karyn. "It's over. This has gone on long enough. She handed Jon the stone. Nothing happened, no sudden bout of fear or anything like that. She grinned. "I'm surprised you didn't catch it."
"Catch it?"
"Your Mom turned you partly into me. While you weren't around, so it should have affected your memory. So tell me, how do you remember being a teenager when your memories should have been changed?"
"What? You know, I never thought of that!"
"Then she made you 10. That should have affected your memory too."
"Okay, I never thought of that."
"It also should have changed reality. So tell me how you still managed to find your teenage guy clothes? They should have turned into a 10 year old's clothes."
"I never thought of that either."
"You know, if your grandfather gave you something very powerful that could really mess you up badly, he'd probably put some kind of safety feature on it. I admit that I've been teasing you, but nothing I do here can hurt you permanently. Remember when I went to get the camera? When I was out of the room, I made a wish to find out what the safety features are. It turns out that no matter what's done to the owner, the wishes will always be safe. It's pretty much impossible to permanently hurt the owner. You'll remember when you shouldn't, or things that can help you reverse the wish will be magically ignored so you can use them, or the wish will just start wearing off, or the wish will just be slightly altered so that you stay okay. It'll always be something."
"And it also means you can do anything you want to me," replied Jon.
"We're just having fun," replied Karyn. "Here, try on some more clothes...."