The two women turned as Karyn's son entered the room.
For a moment both women stared at the boy who was CJ's age but already was showing signs of turning into a heart throb. In that moment the women's minds were filled with all sorts of memories of this young man, Kevin, growing up from being a baby to the preteen he was today.
With those memories came the memories that he was not understanding well why his twin sister and his best friend, CJ, didn't want to do thinks with him as they had before. The women also knew that he was struggling with the change in feelings that he had for CJ. He no longer saw her as just 'one-of-the-guys', but was beginning to notice her as a female.
As best friends, the women would be happy if Kevin and CJ eventually married.
All of this happened in a brief second.
"Mom. Have you seen CJ?" He repeated.
"She and your sister left here about fifteen minutes ago. I think they went to the park."
"Okay. Thanks." The preteen said before leaving the room.
"Ah, Houston, we have a problem." Jane said once the women were alone again.
"What problem?" Karyn asked.