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12. Sarah gets an new idea

11. Meet Kitty

10. Sarah has even more to add

9. Waking up

8. Asian french kiss

7. Pussy trouble

6. In a stinky, sticky situation

5. Musky

4. Pussylife

3. The Bitch Makes Her Move

2. episode two

1. You Are What You Wish

Playmates for Karyn

on 2016-08-03 22:46:33

2265 hits, 108 views, 1 upvotes.

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"You know Karyn, we should found a school club for girls like you who like that kind of show and also are more than happy to join it. I already know some people that would be just perfect." While Sarah was talking to Karyn, an almost sinister grin appeared on her face. Karyn and me were a good start for her, but of course there were many other she would like to mess around with her new wishing powers. It was difficult to tell if they would meet a better or worse fate than me.

Karyn was sadly far to obsessed with me, her little Kitty to notice the malicious motives Sarah clearly had and because of that responded with pure enthusiasm. "Really? That sounds great! Most people seem so avoid me and I don't know why, but you are very popular. Thanks Sarah, in the past I had some prejudices against you, but now I see you are actually very nice." She atarted to move my lips again. "Thanks Sawah! You aww supaw!"

Sarah moved slowly away her smile as strong as before. "You're welcome! I will start recruiting members for you immediately. You can stay here, your Kitty looks very hungry and you shouldn't let it wait much longer." A moment later she left the cabin and then the restroom itself. Karyn didn't even wait that long she started to masturbate like crazy one hand inside of me the other one holding a mirror. My final thought before my mind went blank again was, that at least thanks to the wish that forced her to use that mirror I was still able to see her face often and regulary. It wasn't much but somehow it made everything a little better.

Meanwhile Sarah walked to her new victim. She had a lot of twisted ideas for her enemies. In the end all of them would join the club, but to make it more intresting she would give each of them their own perverted reason. After all it would be easy to make everyone just as Karyn, but less fun.

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