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4. Sarah "helps" Jon

3. The Bitch Makes Her Move

2. episode two

1. You Are What You Wish

Sarah "helps" Jon

on 2014-09-30 03:19:17

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Sarah laughed as she thought of something embarrassing she could wish about Jon. She would save any real bad wishes for some of her real enemies, some of the other popular kids, take them down a peg. Jon was just an annoying peon with no social rank in her mind. But she might as well experiment with the rock on him.

"First off, I wish that Jon had given me the rock as a present, and would never think to ask if he could use it." There, she thought, step one. "I wish that Jon had a date tonight and he invited me over to ask me for advice. I also with that he would think any idea I have is a good one, and would happily follow along with any suggestions I give."

There was a flash. Then, she thought, who should Jon's date be with? Then she thought of Becky. Becky was another cheerleader and her main rival. Becky's reputation would become mud if she went on a date with Jon. "I wish Jon's date tonight is with Becky." Another flash.

Jon came back in the room a couple minutes later, carrying a couple glasses of lemonade for them.

"Okay, Sarah, so what's your advice?" asked Jon. "I really want this date to go well..."

"First off, Jon, you gotta have common interests..." said Sarah. "Look, I happen to know Becky's a real girly girl. You gotta make her feel comfortable in her surroundings."

"What do you mean?" asked Jon, confused.

"Well, for starters, this room... Ugh..." Sarah made a disgusted face. "It just screams 'BOY'... Would you like me to make this room look more like a place Becky would feel more comfortable visiting?"

"Sure!" smiled Jon. "That'd be great!"

Sarah held the rock. "I wish Jon had a girl's room."

There was a flash. Jon's walls were now painted pink, the carpet was purple, adorning the walls were posters of popular teeny boppers. There was a vanity with a large mirror, tons of make-up supplies on the dresser. The open closet revealed blouses and dresses, the floor of the closet housed tons of different shoes, all of which looked to be in Jon's size.

"There!" said Sarah. "Much, much better... Now, your clothes... Those are the clothes of a smelly teenage boy... Becky would like you much better if you had a cute girly outfit. Would you like me to pick you out an outfit and help you with your make-up for tonight, Jon?"

"Sure, Sarah! I'm no good at this stuff."

After a few minutes, Sarah had picked out Jon's outfit and done his make-up perfectly. She tried her best not to laugh, but once in a while couldn't help it. When Jon asked her what was so funny, she told him she was just thinking of a joke she had heard. When she was finished, Jon stood in front of the vanity mirror, admiring himself. He wore a red sleeveless silk blouse (through which you could see the outline of a black bra), black capri pants, and red high heels. He had a couple necklaces, bracelets, rings, not to mention red lipstick, blue eyeshadow, blush, and mascara.

"Wow, thanks, Sarah, I look great!" smiled Jon. "I never tried wearing clothes like these, who knew I'd look so good!"

"I bet Becky will LOVE it!" laughed Sarah.

Just then, they heard the downstairs door open and Becky's voice call up, "Hey, Jon! You home?"

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