"Karyn what are you doing?" he asks as he sees that she's standing there with a Saints fan, taking a picture that's being done by his friend.
"Thanks." the fan says before him and his friend head off, leaving behind a very disturbed Jon and worried Caryna.
"I don't know Jon, it just felt natural to comply with any fan's request for a picture. I'm getting really scared." she says, really starting to lose it. "You said you knew what was happening to me. What's going on?" she asks, really wanting to know.
Jon doesn't really know how to explain it easily as he sighs. "I think you're turning into one of the cheerleaders for the Saints. Just look at yourself." he says.
As Caryna looks down at herself, inside her purse, her name has changed further to where it's now Crynal Thackon. "Oh my God, you're right, I...I don't want to be a cheerleader, I despise them." she says to herself as she begins fanning herself with her hand, seeing for the first time her inch long manicured fingernails. Jewelery also began to appear on her as well. A necklace appeared on her neck that had the Saints logo on it, as well as a matching pair of earrings.
"I hate jewelery." she sputters as she tries to get them off but something is stopping her from doing so.
"Karyn...." Jon sputters as she starts pacing about. "I think you should let your parents know what's going on." he suggests as she nods and pulls her phone out of her purse, that too having altered to one that's got the Saints logo on it as well.