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4. Jon's luck

3. The Bitch Makes Her Move

2. episode two

1. You Are What You Wish

Jon and Karyn doesn't have the same treatment

on 2014-01-04 07:57:25

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Amazed with the power she had just discover, Sarah decided that she needed to try a few experiments. Just then a very unfortunate jon walked back into the room, a look of horror coming over his face when he realized that Sarah was handeling the unpredidtable magic.
"Don't touch that! It's very dangerous!" Jon shouted at her in a paniced voice.
Sarah only gave a sly smile and said in a sarcastic tone "Oh, is it really. I do Wish that you would tell me all about how dangerous it is."
The magic forced the answers out of Jon, like a presure building up inside him. Tollerable at first, but within a few seconds it seemed as if every inch of his body was being forced into submission.
After Jon's confession another, more sinister smile appeared on sarah's face. "I see now Jon" Sarah said "You and that little skank friend Karyn of yours were planning to use this magic for your benifit. You always ignored me, and that always made me inconfortable..."
"Sorry Sarah, but everyone can't just love you, you're not..." start to say Jon.
"Shut up ! I have to be loved, I need to be loved, you makes me crazy ! I wish you were a better looking man matching with my personality so I can ask you to go out..." Sarah says starting to cry.
And before her eyes Jon change... he grow few inches to a 6"3' tall, muscles well defined but not too big appear on his body and his haircut and face become more virile.
"Hey hey hey... stop crying, girl's shouldn't cry..." he says with a lower voice. He grab her and press her against his chest.
Sarah feel loved, protected, it's a great feeling she never had with anyone. And she feel the need to say something, something who scare her.
"Can we... can we go out together... just the two of us sometime ?"
"Sorry..." answer Jon "I'm already in love with someone else." steel keeping her in his strong arm.
Sarah can't take it anymore, always that skank Karyn, she want to get rid of her.
"I wish Karyn was 4"3' tall with a wide ass. I wish she was a slut who love to suck men cock because she don't have to bend too much. I wish Jon and her have been together but she cheated on him multiple times in less than a month, so he gave her the nickname Pap for Plug and play because she have sex with anyone who ask." Sarah whispered to the stone.
Just then Jon release her from the hug and say.
"Did you use the stone again ?"
"I'm sorry, I feeled like crap." Sarah says as she trow the stone on the bed. "I just wished you would be happy with your love."
"Oh, Sarah, I'm already happy because..."

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