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10. Time for a Climax

9. Sarah Loves the Show

8. Cam Whore

7. On the Carpet

6. Just Not Good Enough

5. Just a skirt

4. Studying at Sarah's instead

3. The Bitch Makes Her Move

2. episode two

1. You Are What You Wish

Studying with Sarah: Time for a Climax

avatar on 2015-10-29 04:52:51

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Jon wasn't sure who he was doing it for. When he heard Sarah wish that she'd like to see him play with his penis under his skirt, he was happy to oblige. It was the friendly thing to do, after all, since she had provided not only the clothes he was wearing, but the computer, the webcam, even the dildo he was sucking on! It was such a small thing, he was glad he could help her out.

Then again, he thought as he stared with lust in his eyes at the webcam, maybe he was really doing it for his audience. Sure, the live-feed show was a new thing, but Jon was sensing a streak of exhibitionism rising up in him. He teased his skirt up a bit more, all the while playing with his hidden penis. If his mouth hadn't been filled with the dildo, he would have smiled at the pleasure he was taking from the idea of countless viewers getting off on his show. Maybe he'd keep it up after this study session. Briefly, he wondered if Sarah would help him set the webcam up in his own bedroom, as well as hers.

Jon dismissed both ideas. Whether Sarah or his viewers liked what he was doing was secondary. He was doing it for him. His erection was growing larger and larger, tenting his pleated skirt, causing him to shiver with pleasure. Jon had never been more happy, more fulfilled, than that moment. He wasn't sure why he had never thought of this before, why he'd never dressed up as a schoolgirl and masturbated live on the internet while sucking on a dildo in Sarah's bedroom, but it seems like he'd finally found his calling. This was what he was made for! If he could, he'd do this all day, every day.

He knew it was an impractical dream, with things like school, sleep, food, even bodily functions that would get in the way, but that didn't mean Jon wouldn't be making some dramatic changes to his lifestyle as soon as he was done his study session.

His blue eyes wandered over to the cheerleader, who was furiously fingering herself on her bed. The thought crossed his mind that he should set a webcam up for her as well, that maybe Jon shouldn't be so selfish, that he should share his discovery. It was easy to discount the idea, however. This was Jon's dream life, and it probably wouldn't work for anyone else. Sarah can find her own paradise. Jon didn't mind at all, as long as she let him dress up and put on shows at her house, she was good in his books.

Sarah moaned, then grunted, then screamed. Jon's eyes showed panic. Was she taking away from his webcast? His viewers would hear the noises and immediately want to know what was going on. There was only one thing to do. No more teasing. No more tantalizing.

It was time for a climax.

Leaning his head back, Jon took the entire dildo into his throat, in and out, in and out. Beneath his skirt, with his other hand, he continued to rub up and down, up and down, with more and more intent. It didn't take long. Soon enough, fountains of sperm erupted from his penis, staining the front of his skirt, coating his inner thighs. Jon leaned his head forward, grabbed the webcam and pulled it in tight to his crotch so his viewers could watch the stain spread. As his orgasm passed, and his erection began to fade, he placed the webcam back on the desk, blew a kiss at his now loyal viewers, and signed off for the night.

Turning back to his host, Jon smiled. "So, what chapter were we on again?"

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