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14. Trevor Knows About the Wish Ch

13. Biff Confronts Trevor

12. Biff Heads to Sarah Merlin's H

11. Sarah Becomes Zoe's Goth Siste

10. Trevor Wishes Zoe Had a Sister

9. Zelda Loves Leonard Drullers

8. Zoe Switches Boyfriends With S

7. How the Other Goths Changed

6. Zoe is Sarah's Friend

5. All the Goths at School Aren't

4. Wish chain (alt)

3. The Bitch Makes Her Move

2. episode two

1. You Are What You Wish

Wish Chain 2: Trevor Knows About the Wish Chain

avatar on 2011-07-26 15:45:16

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"Trevor, are you okay?" Zoe asked, puzzled by his shock.

"No, I'm not okay. I just want to know what's going on around here."

"What are you talking about? Nothing's going on."

"Are you kidding me? Didn't you see Biff?"

"What about him?"

"Didn't you see how he looked?"

"He always looks like that."

Trevor stared at her. Had everyone lost their minds? "I wish I knew what was happening," he said. And suddenly, he knew. He knew everything about the wish chain that Sarah McMillan had started and he knew about all the changes it had caused. Both to himself and everyone else. He suddenly felt disgusted to know that he used to be one of those disturbing Goth freaks ... and that Zoe used to be one as well.

Sarah's original wish, which turned him into a jock, gave him one wish and Zoe's wish, which made him her boyfriend, gave him a second wish. His first wish was granted when Sarah became Zoe's sister. And his second wish was granted just now.

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