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44. Scarlet Finds Out About the Wi

43. Scarlet Makes a Wish

42. Will and the Others Get Fired,

41. Will and the Others Try Out So

40. Someone Has a Problem With Jac

39. Laura and Roger Want Answers,

38. Nadine and Her Parents Fight O

37. Leonard Humors Zelda, Then Wal

36. Zelda is Still Chasing Leonard

35. Sabrina Finds a Pimp

34. Trevor Wishes Zoe Was the Kind

33. The Former Members of the Stud

32. Mrs. Finch Buys a Goth Outfit

31. Mrs. Finch, the High School Li

30. Nadine Bought a Spiked Collar

29. Nadine Ferguson

28. Scarlet Gets More Customers

27. Sarah and Biff at the Occult S

26. Jon Wants to Change His Sister

25. Trevor Becomes Zoe's Ideal Boy

Wish Chain 2: Scarlet Finds Out About the Wish Chain

avatar on 2017-07-23 22:29:57

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"I wish I knew what was going on," Scarlet said. Suddenly, she knew exactly what was going on. It was a wish chain! Through the use of a magic stone, a wish chain had been created, spreading across the town of Lake Point like an epidemic, causing reality to be changed along the way. Most people didn't even know it was happening, and others were confused by changes caused by their own wishing.

Not only did Scarlet know about the wish chain, she also knew which people had yet to make wishes. Popular girl Zoe Merlin had two wishes, slut Sabrina Johnson had two wishes, hippie Steve Farber had one wish, hippie Danielle Chase had one wish, geek Leonard Drullers had one wish, four drug-users named Will, Shirley, Nancy, and Darren each had one wish, and then there was Scarlet herself, who also had one wish (since the target of her recent wish was herself).

Scarlet couldn't tell what was wished and what changed because of it, but she knew that those ten people (including herself) could make at least one wish and have it come true. If she could somehow find those people, and force them to make a wish about her, then she would be able to acquire another wish, from each of them. Better yet would be if she could find the stone that started the wish chain to begin with, but she had no idea where it was.

Though that could be easily remedied, since she could just use her next wish-chain wish to find out.

Pausing in thought for a moment, Scarlet then decided to ...

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