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39. Laura and Roger Want Answers,

38. Nadine and Her Parents Fight O

37. Leonard Humors Zelda, Then Wal

36. Zelda is Still Chasing Leonard

35. Sabrina Finds a Pimp

34. Trevor Wishes Zoe Was the Kind

33. The Former Members of the Stud

32. Mrs. Finch Buys a Goth Outfit

31. Mrs. Finch, the High School Li

30. Nadine Bought a Spiked Collar

29. Nadine Ferguson

28. Scarlet Gets More Customers

27. Sarah and Biff at the Occult S

26. Jon Wants to Change His Sister

25. Trevor Becomes Zoe's Ideal Boy

24. Trevor and Zoe's "Date"

23. Jon and Karyn Run Into Leonard

22. They Go to the Mall Without th

21. So What's Jon Doing During All

20. A Cop, A Preacher, and A Murde

Wish Chain 2: Laura and Roger Buy From the Shop

avatar on 2011-07-31 14:54:53

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As they approached The Occult Stop, Laura and Roger Ferguson gasped in shock. Was that Margaret White from their church? The conservative middle-aged woman was walking out the store, wearing a very noticeable pentagram necklace around her neck.

"See, Roger," Laura said, turning towards him. "They're brainwashing people. We need to put a stop to this. Now."

They briskly walked towards the store, abandoning their car on the side of the street, then entered the shop.

"Who's in charge here?!" Laura yelled.

"I am," said Scarlet, a woman who could have easily been labeled as a witch, given her general appearance. The thing was, though, she did know a bit of witchcraft.

"What did you do to my daughter?" Laura demanded, charging towards her.

"Nothing. I don't even know your daughter."

"Nadine Ferguson. She bought a filthy collar from this store."

"Oh, her. She wanted that before she even came in here. Listen, I'm not exactly sure what's going on, but anyone who walks by my shop suddenly has an urge to shop here."

"Likely story," Laura said, crossing her arms and frowning.

"Hey, look at this," Roger suddenly said.

Laura turned and looked. "What is it?"

"Only the best band ever," he said, holding up a CD for a death metal band. "I love these guys."

Laura walked over and got a better look. "I hope you're joking."

"Why would I joke about the kind of music I like?"

Laura turned and glared at Scarlet. "You're doing this. Stop it!"

"Lady, I'm not doing anything. If your husband likes that kind of music ..."

"But he doesn't! He's a good Baptist man! He doesn't listen to all that wicked Satanic filth!"

Scarlet shrugged. "I guess he does now."

Laura charged towards the witch, meaning to grab her and make her turn Roger back to normal. But on the way across the store, she stopped and stared at an arcane-looking book. She slowly approached it and opened it, turning it to a page full of writing from some long-dead language. "What is this?"

"Oh that? That's a witchcraft book. I have a few of them scattered around the store, and a few more in the back."

Laura looked at the book a little more, then did something that she never ever would have done under normal circumstances. She dropped her great-great grandfather's Bible. It hit the floor without any further thought. And Laura picked up the witchcraft book, turned towards Scarlet and asked "How much?"

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