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37. Leonard Humors Zelda, Then Wal

36. Zelda is Still Chasing Leonard

35. Sabrina Finds a Pimp

34. Trevor Wishes Zoe Was the Kind

33. The Former Members of the Stud

32. Mrs. Finch Buys a Goth Outfit

31. Mrs. Finch, the High School Li

30. Nadine Bought a Spiked Collar

29. Nadine Ferguson

28. Scarlet Gets More Customers

27. Sarah and Biff at the Occult S

26. Jon Wants to Change His Sister

25. Trevor Becomes Zoe's Ideal Boy

24. Trevor and Zoe's "Date"

23. Jon and Karyn Run Into Leonard

22. They Go to the Mall Without th

21. So What's Jon Doing During All

20. A Cop, A Preacher, and A Murde

19. Steve Farber is a Hippie

18. Athena DeVries and Margaret Wo

Wish Chain 2: Leonard Humors Zelda, Then Walks Away

avatar on 2011-07-29 16:51:51

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"I wish Leonard would come to me and listen to what I have to say," Zelda said.

Leonard worked it out in his mind. He couldn't keep running like this. He was too overweight and out of shape. Maybe the best thing to do was just to humor Zelda and tell her that he just wasn't interested in being her "soul mate", as she had put it. He just wanted things to go back to how they were, when they were just friends.

He stood up from behind the bushes and walked out towards the street. Zelda was standing there, waiting for him.

"Oh, Leonard," she practically squealed, at the sight of him. She ran over to him and hugged him furiously, planting kisses all over his face.

Maybe this wasn't such a good idea, Leonard thought. Little did he know, it was actually Zelda's wish that caused him to come out of hiding and to face her. Sure, he'd listen to what she had to say, but that didn't mean that he'd agree with it.

And that's what happened just a minute later.

"But you can't!" Zelda yelled. "Don't you understand?! We're soul mates! We're supposed to be together!"

"I don't know what's gotten into you, Zelda. But I just want things to go back to normal. I want my friend back." He turned around and walked away, hoping that Zelda wouldn't follow. He had had enough physical fitness to last him the rest of the year.

Zelda slumped. "But ... but ... I love you," she called out.

"Well, I don't love you," Leonard said, before turning onto another street and out of sight.

But then Zelda straightened. "You don't love me now. But just wait." Maybe there was a way to make him fall in love with her. "Mark my words, Leonard. We will be together."

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