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31. Mrs. Finch, the High School Li

30. Nadine Bought a Spiked Collar

29. Nadine Ferguson

28. Scarlet Gets More Customers

27. Sarah and Biff at the Occult S

26. Jon Wants to Change His Sister

25. Trevor Becomes Zoe's Ideal Boy

24. Trevor and Zoe's "Date"

23. Jon and Karyn Run Into Leonard

22. They Go to the Mall Without th

21. So What's Jon Doing During All

20. A Cop, A Preacher, and A Murde

19. Steve Farber is a Hippie

18. Athena DeVries and Margaret Wo

17. Sabrina Chooses to Be a Whore

16. Sabrina's Not a Slut

15. Stephanie and Sabrina at the L

14. Biff and His Gothic Girlfriend

13. Biff Gets in First

12. Biff Heads to Sarah Merlin's H

Wish Chain 2: Mrs. Finch Wants Something From The Occult Stop

avatar on 2011-07-28 22:13:52

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61-year old Mrs. Finch, the high school librarian, walked down the street to the corner convenience store to pick up some more home supplies. The store was only a block from her house, so it was convenient just to walk there. As usual, the stern woman was dressed in an ankle-length long-sleeved high-necked flower-print dress, heeled shoes, gaudy earrings, and over-sized glasses. Today's color was apparently "green".

She stopped and looked at a young woman she knew from school. Nadine Ferguson was her name. She was prim and proper, but most importantly, she was Godly. But what she saw that girl do right there and then completely puzzled her. She watched as the young woman put one of those disgusting spiked collars around her neck and then smile at herself in one of the storefront windows. What was that girl thinking? Didn't she realize how bad that looked on her?

Nadine turned and looked at her, then shook her head and continued on down the street. Mrs. Finch kept looking at the girl until she was out of sight. Never once did she take off the collar.

Mrs. Finch continued on her way, feeling a little bewildered. Was the girl being dared to wear it? No way someone like Nadine would choose to wear that. Not a prim and proper girl like that. In some ways, Nadine kind of reminded her of herself when she was that young.

She shook her head, crossing the street. The convenience store was on the same side of the road as that gothic shop. Disgusting place. She continued on past The Occult Stop, but then suddenly stopped and turned towards the storefront window. What she saw she just had to have.

She turned around and walked into the gothic shop and all the way to the woman standing behind the counter.

Scarlet was just getting over the peculiar customer she just had when suddenly she had another one. What the hell was going on? Two non-gothic people within two minutes? Something strange was definitely going on.

"Uh ... can I help you?" Scarlet asked.

"How much for the ..."

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