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21. So What's Jon Doing During All

20. A Cop, A Preacher, and A Murde

19. Steve Farber is a Hippie

18. Athena DeVries and Margaret Wo

17. Sabrina Chooses to Be a Whore

16. Sabrina's Not a Slut

15. Stephanie and Sabrina at the L

14. Biff and His Gothic Girlfriend

13. Biff Gets in First

12. Biff Heads to Sarah Merlin's H

11. Sarah Becomes Zoe's Goth Siste

10. Trevor Wishes Zoe Had a Sister

9. Zelda Loves Leonard Drullers

8. Zoe Switches Boyfriends With S

7. How the Other Goths Changed

6. Zoe is Sarah's Friend

5. All the Goths at School Aren't

4. Wish chain (alt)

3. The Bitch Makes Her Move

2. episode two

Wish Chain 2: Back to Jon

avatar on 2011-07-27 15:44:42

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Jon looked over all his homework and suddenly wondered why he even bothered. He could have just used the wishing stone to complete all of it and move onto something more fun, like hang out with Karyn or watch TV or something.

But then again, that was kind of like cheating, wasn't it? He wouldn't remember doing the homework because someone else did it for him - namely the stone.

Jon's thoughts about this were suddenly (and pleasantly) interrupted when Karyn walked into his room.

"Hey, Jon," she said.

Through the open door, the music from Sarah's room was even louder. Just imagine how loud it must have been inside the room. It did cross his mind to use the stone to "fix" his sister. To make her "normal". But changing someone like that could have serious repercussions that Jon probably couldn't take into consideration ... unless, of course, he decided to make it temporary, to see what it was like first, then make it permanent afterwards. But he'd think about that later.

A few minutes before Karyn arrived, Jon heard Sarah's wannabe-Goth boyfriend Biff Meadows. (He had no idea why anyone would want to be a Goth.) He must have been in there with her. The music was so loud, they could have been doing anything in there. Jon didn't want to think about it. He returned his attention to Karyn.

"Close the door, will ya?" Jon asked.

Karyn nodded, then closed it. Closing the door helped muffle the metal music, but not enough to eliminate it.

"How can your sister listen to that stuff without her ears bleeding?" Karyn asked, walking over to the bed and sitting on it.

"I think she wants her ears to bleed." He paused. "Can we change the subject? I really don't want to talk about Sarah the rest of the night."

"Okay," she said, shrugging.

After he and his sister Sarah began drifting apart, Jon began to spend more time with a sort of acquaintance of his named Karyn Black. They were friends at school, but that was pretty much the extent of it. When Lily Underwood began steering Sarah towards the Goth subculture, Jon felt like he lost his best friend. Karyn was able to fill that hole, so to speak. And ever since then, Karyn and Jon had been the best of friends. She was everything that Sarah used to be, before turning Goth.

In the original reality, before Sarah McMillan used the stone to create the wishing chain, Jon and Karyn were best friends since early childhood. In this reality, they were best friends since middle school. But regardless, Jon considered Karyn to be just as much of a friend now as he did in that other reality. Which is why, in this reality, he still showed her the wishing stone, causing her to still make that accidental wish that gave her large breasts and blond hair. It's just that Sarah McMillan wasn't the girl she was looking at when she made it. Sarah McMillan didn't exist in this reality. All that was left of that person was Sarah Merlin, Jon's fraternal twin Goth sister. Her lifestyle was completely different, as were her memories, but some of her personality traits remained. Like always getting what she wanted, acting like a total bitch, and focusing more on her looks and fashion than important things like school. But thing was, all of those things were mixed in with her "new" gothic persona. Anyway ... Karyn still made her wish, but someone else was the "target" of it.

"How are you holding up with ... you know?" Jon asked.

Karyn fidgeted a little. "I'm still getting used to them. But you know what? When I got home, I noticed that all of my bras were bigger. Did the stone do that when I made my wish?"

"Maybe," he said. "It probably made it so that you always had large breasts ... I mean, since you developed them. So the rest of reality changed along with them."

Karyn groaned. "If only I hadn't wished to have blond hair and big boobs like Melissa Smith." With Sarah McMillan gone, Melissa Smith was now the head cheerleader. She wasn't as bitchy as Sarah, but she was almost as attractive. Enough to have numerous jocks practically drooling over her.

"It was just an accident, Karyn. Don't beat yourself up about it."

Suddenly, the music from his sister's room ceased and they both heard a door open.

"Come on. Let's get the fuck out of here," Jon heard his sister say. And then he heard people walking through the hall and down the stairs.

"I guess this means we're alone," Karyn said.

"Alone with Zoe, you mean."

"Nope. When I came by, your sister was leaving with Trevor."

"I just don't see what she sees in him. The guy is a jock and a womanizing jerk. The only person he's really in love with is himself."

"Yeah, but he's hot," Karyn said.

"Is that enough?"

She shrugged.

The day that he found out that his sister was dating a member of the "Stud Duo" (as the people at school called them ... that was Trevor Blake and Randy Goodman), Jon knew it was a mistake in the making. But Zoe said that she knew what she was doing.

"So, you wanna go to the mall and hang out? Or just stay here?" Karyn asked.

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