Kevin hustled down the stairway, more than a little pissed at his rejection by Sarah (Jon). What should of been a sure thing turned into a huge disappointment.
Kevin walked through Sarah's kitchen when as quickly as a finger snap his eyes rolled up into the back of his head and he hit the lineoluen floor with a thud. He was out cold.
Kevin's brain entered the REM stages of sleep as multiple dreams washed through his brain. In one dream he saw a teenage boy his age open a box and take out a stone, in another he saw the same boy talking to a red-haired girl sitting on a wall, while another one had Sarah holding the stone and wishing for a "wish chain." Other dreams faded in as the red haired girl became a big breasted blonde, Biff's penis turned into a vagina due to the wish chain, and the teenage boy that kicked off this series of events was "Sarah-ized".
Kevin was on the floor for no more than a minute when he started to stir, awakening with a complete understanding of the events leading up to that moment, including his current posession of the wish chain.
The question was, what would he do with it?