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12. Fanny comforts Karyn

11. Karyn's Mom Becomes a Skank

10. Karyn gets Fanny oit of the al

9. Karyn Finds the Alley Next to

8. Jon sinks into his new whores

7. Jon Becomes a Whore

6. Grabbing the rock

5. Sarah doesn't like competition

4. Jon fights panic

3. The Bitch Makes Her Move

2. episode two

1. You Are What You Wish

Fanny comforts Karyn

on 2013-01-22 10:31:40

2162 hits, 152 views, 1 upvotes.

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Then Bethany really seemed to notice who was in Karyns bed, and she brightened "Aw, hey there Fanny! I didn' know you waz cummin over. an' Fanny havin' a lil' sleepover, huh? Dykin' up while yer ol' moms out havin' fun? Awm dats cute, baby. I'll leave an' let you two get back t' eatin' yer pussies out, or whateva you waz doin'. Night, Karyn."

With that, he mother - her skanky, slutty mother - wiggled away...and into the arms of a stranger. The man who waited in the hall for her was big, solid and some how...greasy looking. He had the sort of tells and traits that one would instantly associate with pornographers and pimps. His suit was gaudy and cheap, hair slicked back and way too much jewelery. This wasn't her father! Who...

Then he came out of their bedroom, and Karyn wanted to scream. Her father...her daddy...was standing in black leather spike-heeled boots and fishnets...his body just as toned, athletic and male as ever...but he had thick, goth/whore makeup on and his hands were tipped with long, black nails. He smiled and wiggled his pierced tongue at the strange man, saying with a husky, faux-feminine voice "The beds all ready for you, champ. Wait till you get a taste of what me an' my wife have to offer. You'll never forget this night." before he noticed his daughter looking at him. He smiled at her, blew her a kiss through painted lips, and said "Have fun with your little friend, Karyn. Daddy love you." and wiggling his ass back into their bedroom.

Her parents...were prostitutes. Perverts at the very least, but possibly prostitutes. She wanted to cry, and as she stumbled back she almost fell to the ground...before Jon (or rather, 'Fanny') caught her and led her back to her bed. Sarah was doing this to her. To her family and friends. She had to be stopped. She had to be...

Fanny led her back to her bed, where she sobbed and weapt against Fannys massive bosom, Fannys arms around her. She noticed that - horny though she might be - Fanny never went beyond simply comforting. She rocked Karyn back and forth and soothed her with soft words and cooing, and when she'd stopped crying, Fanny lit up another cigarette and simply held her close.

"What am I going to do?" she asked, her voice dripping with misery. "I folks...can I wish them back to normal if I get the stone? Can I fix everything?"

Fanny chuckled "You ain't fixin' Fanny, babe. She LUVS what she is, an' don't need yer help pity. But...Fanny'll help yuh figger out whut t' do 'bout everythin' else. Fanny luvs 'er Karyn." Karyn didn't even try to struggle as Fanny stubbed out her cigarette and began making out with her. She simply let her former boyfriend lead her down paths she'd never even imagined...and in the end, she and Fanny were locked in passionate embrace as they ate each other out. When it was done, she snuggled against Fanny, her head nestled between her quaking bosoms. In the other room, she could hear her parents and their 'guest' as they continued to 'play'.

What was she going to do?

She drifted off to sleep, and Fanny lit another cigarette...and thought. She LOVED being 'Fanny Fucks'. She wanted to spend the rest of her life like this. But...she was also in love with Karyn...and seeing Karyn unhappy made her mad. In many ways, Fanny wasn't as smart as she'd been when she'd been Jon...but as Karyn slept, she thought about what had to be done.

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