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7. It Looks Like Candy's Original

6. Body Control: Candy

5. ...kneeling under a table

4. Go for a random!

3. Body Control

2. Jon's (perverted) fantasies

1. You Are What You Wish

Body Control: Not Alone in There

avatar on 2018-06-21 10:50:33

2554 hits, 245 views, 2 upvotes.

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Ugh. I can't believe he just made me do that, came a female voice from somewhere. It kind of sounded like Candy's voice, but it didn't sound so girlish or giggly. And Jon knew for a fact that it didn't come from Candy, because he didn't feel her mouth moving.

Who was that? Jon thought.

Hello? the voice asked. Is someone else there?

Are you talking to me? Jon ventured.

Yes! Yes! Oh my god, I thought I was alone in here, the voice said. Wait a minute. How could there be another person here besides me? Do I have a split personality?

Jon was astonished. What was happening? He thought that he wouldn't be able to interact with this woman's mind. But maybe this wasn't Candy. Who are you?

My name is Candace Biggs. Up until a few days ago, I was just living my life like normal, then he arrived. That fatso out there. His name is Larry. He did something to me, turned me into his bimbo girlfriend, suppressing my own original mind deep down in my head. I have no control over my own body. I've had to watch as my body did all these terrible things with Larry. Blowjobs, sex, wearing slutty outfits, giggling like a moron. I'm not like that. I'm pretty conservative, actually. I've been going nuts all this time. I don't know who you are or how you got here, but I'm actually glad that I can talk to someone. Do you have any control over my body? Can you help?

Again, Jon was astonished. What were the chances that he would be trapped in a body that was already trapping another mind? At least this explained why someone like Candy would be so attracted towards a fat slob like Larry. (Frankly, he couldn't imagine any other reason.)

No, Jon said. Sorry, but I'm stuck in here just like you. But only for the next 24 hours.

24 hours? Why is that?

Jon didn't want to tell her about the wishing stone, so he just said I don't know. I just know I won't stay here for more than a day.

Candace was quiet for a time, then said So we're both just along for the ride, huh? I really envy you. I don't know when, or even if, Larry will give me back my body.

Jon decided then and there to help Candace. When the 24 hours were up and his wish was completed, he would use the wishing stone to help her in some way.

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