Once Karyn had Jon's dress closed she instructed him to sit on her bed while she put a pair of pink sneakers on his feet. The sneakers had velcro straps but Jon couldn't see them as they were put on due to the layers of his puffy skirt blocking his view. He also noted to himself that it felt strange, but not uncomfortable, to be sitting on his diapered butt.
Karyn was determined to get into character so she took Jon by the hand and said, "Come on sweetie, let's get your pushchair setup and then we can head out. The party is just one street over so we'll walk there. It's getting dark so won't be many people out. I hope it's not getting to late for you princess."
"Jeez, Karyn, knock it off will you. I'm not actually a baby and don't you forget that. I only agreed to this because I didn't really have any other options." Jon was getting a bit frustrated.
Karyn, wanting to cheer him up, walked towards him with her arms open, ready to embrace and she whispered in his ear," Jon, just humour me, OK? If you play along and be a good girl I'll make it worth your while tonight. My parents are gone for the weekend so we can come back here after the party and you can sleep in my bed with me."
Jon had always had feelings for Karyn but didn't know she felt the same. Neither had ever expressed these feelings before but sharing intimate time when getting dressed had seemed to make them more comfortable around each other. Karyn's message got through to Jon loud and clear and he turned to her with a smile and said, "OK mama. I'll be a good girl. I promise."
Karyn swatted him playfully on his ruffled, diapered butt which made him giggle. Then she presented the large pushchair and gestured for him to get in.