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4. Jon fights panic

3. The Bitch Makes Her Move

2. episode two

1. You Are What You Wish

Sarah isn't cool, people

on 2003-07-30 17:05:59

11530 hits, 502 views, 4 upvotes.

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Jon sat on the edge of his overturned mattress, his face buried in his hands. After Sarah's quick departure an hour ago, he decided to use the stone to get an HDTV and some freshly boiled lobster, so he returned to his room to remove it from its hidden spot. Upon finding the hidden spot missing a certain magic stone, he tore his room apart trying to see if he misplaced it, but to no avail. He started to get the sinking feeling that Sarah somehow got her hands on it, but he was having a hard time admitting it to himself. After much deliberation, he decided that he might as well go over to Sarah's house and see if anything strange was occuring.
About a half hour walk later, Jon stood behind Sarah's house, crouching in some brushes, staring into the basement sliding glass door. In the basement, Sarah sat with five of her popular friends in a circle, all giggling and laughing at some unheard story. Jon stared at the girls, all dressed in their designer clothes and perfectly made up faces and hair. Suddenly, the girls all got up and started to head upstairs. Jon kept watching as the girls arrived in the kitchen and started to look in the fridge, all still laughing and gabbing on to eachother. This was his chance to get in. He didn't see Sarah's parents car in the driveway, so he figured that if he could avoid this large group of loud girls he could sneak in and find the stone. Two can play at this game, Jon thought to himself, very pleased with his actions. He quietly left the brush and snuck over to the basement door and cautiously slid it open. Once inside, Jon cringed at the powerful smell of perfume lingering in the room and started to look around the area where Sarah was sitting.

"We'll be downstairs waiting, Sarah!" A voice shouted from the top of the stairs. Jon's eye's widened as he realized the girls where coming back. He quickly scanned the room for a hiding place, which he realized he should've done before he entered. On one side of the basement an unused bar lined the wall and Jon dashed toward it, running on his toes to hide any unwanted noise. He ducked behind the bar just as Melissa O'Grady entered the room with Erica Henderson. The pungent odor of perfume once again filled the room, worse than before, followed by the sound of clinking bracelets and heels on the hardwood floor.

"What do you think she wants to show us?" Jon heard Melissa ask.

"Who knows. Probably a Prada bag or something. That girl has the coolest parents, they buy her all sorts of stuff." Erica responded. Just then, the clicking of more heels where heard coming down the stairs and soon the room was filled with the girls once again.

"Okay," Sarah started, "This is what I wanted to show you guys." The room went quiet and Jon peaked his head around the corner of the bar. Sarah pulled the stone from her pocket and displayed it to the room, like some sort of Style channel show and tell.

"So, what, its a stupid egg." A girl Jon knew as Tara said.

"It's a rock, dummy!" Sarah bit back. "And it grants wishes." she stated with a pleased look on her face, only to be met by a room full of giggling girls. "You won't be giggling in a second. There's a reason I invited all of you here...."

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