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4. Problems.

3. The Bitch Makes Her Move

2. episode two

1. You Are What You Wish


on 2001-07-16 18:42:53

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Jon came back in the room at that instant. He saw Sarah with the stone. "Give me back the stone... it's dangerous! You don't know how dangerous it is!" Jon said, making a grab for the stone.

"I wish you'd leave me alone for a moment," Sarah said.

Jon froze in mid grab for the stone.

"All right. I wish I was completely desirable to anyone I was with," Sarah said. Nothing happened immediately. Then Jon came out of his freeze and grabbed at the stone. It was no longer there! Jon stumbled and fell. Sarah felt dizzy for a moment then gasped. She was changing.

In a moment she looked exactly like Karyn.

"Karyn?" Jon asked in confusion. He looked around the room for Sarah. Nowhere to be seen... but why was Karyn here holding the stone?

Sarah considered her sudden transformation then mentally kicked herself... Obviously Jon had a major crush on Karyn. Sarah had taken on the likeness of Karyn because Karyn was "completely desirable" to Jon. She realised that she had not become an identical version of Karyn. She was an idealised version of Karyn. She smiled. This had definate possibilities. "I wish Jon was affacted by the same wish I just made..." Sarah said.

There was a strange ripple and Jon's eyes were forced away from "Karyn" momentarily. Jon frowned as he felt his body ripple. He looked down. He was heavily muscled. He was completely desirable to Sarah...

"Karyn, what are you doing? Sarah? It's you isn't it! Don't use the stone! It is really dangerous! Everything -"

All of a sudden Jon's mum walked in the door with a plate of cookees. "Did you guys want something to snack on while you study?"

Sarah was standing closer to Jon's mum than she was to Jon. Right then her wish kicked in again and she suddenly felt herself changing. She was becoming taller. Her breasts were shrinking. "Oh no!" She reached between her legs. Sarah discovered she had become a man. An idealised version of Jon's dad.

"I wish these changes only occured when I wanted them too!" Sarah said, stepping closer to Jon. The wish rippled around the room. She was back in Karyn's female body and sighed with releif.

"What on earth?" Jon's mum asked.

"I wish I was back home with the stone!" the room flashed and Sarah was home. "I wish that everyone would forget I'd been at Jon's place!" That was sorted... "I wish I looked like me and not Karyn." Nothing happened. Nothing that Sarah could tell. She still looked like Karyn... and she didn't know why!

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