You could tell that it was not a fluke by looking at them. When Laura was close to orgasm for the second time, Liam leaned in closer to her. "C'mon now, Laura. Let's do it together this time. I want to see you feel good again." he said to her. She could not say anything. From the outside looking in, it looked like they had a nice, simultaneous orgasm like a loving couple. I knew better than that. This was not a miracle. This was not a coincidence. Liam just released his synthetic cum inside of her when he felt her go over the edge of her own orgasm. I had to give it to him though. He really sold for her. I could see how she could be confused when he said it was all just acting for her benefit. At the end of the day, even the good members of the cyborg species were extremely manipulative. They had an ultimate goal. Everything was secondary to that objective. It was more than a little scary to think about. Even when Liam genuinely cared about her as a friend, he could pull something like this. It really made you ask if he actually had any genuine feelings at all. But that was now robophobic territory.
Just a minute after settling down from that session, she looked pissed off. Laura shoved him away and rolled to the edge of the bed. "Fucking damn it! So all of this time has been a lie. You've been faking orgasms this whole time!?" she demanded. Liam looked confused. "I don't know what you mean. I wasn't lying. We reached the end of the mating, so it was time to release. That's how it works." he said. Laura glared at him angrily. She was taking this personally. "No! You "release" when you feel like you have to because of the stimulation. You weren't even using your dick for real. There was no stimulation. How the hell did so much come out of you then!? Those balls are not big enough." she spat. Liam frowned. It seemed he had reached the end of his patience as well. "Of course not. I already told you about it. I did not want there to be a risk of pregnancy. As for my 'balls", those are tied to my sexual upgrade. I did not use it here. Instead I used a synthetic. We have a pretty big tank for pleasing humans." he said slowly. His soft cock got hard again. Several long, thick ropes of cum spurted.
Everyone aside from me was stunned into silence. It was a pretty superfluous feature for this race of sophisticated cyborgs to have. This lasted half a minute. I had to roll my eyes. Because they hated them so much, they never really took the time to explore what they could do outside of combat. They had encountered enough cyborgs to discover some things about them. "Even standard PEP units have it. This is not that exciting." I said out loud. That seemed to break the spell over them. The brute let out a low whistle and said "Damn. I've been going too easy on Hunter then. Next time, I'll make him empty those tanks." He looked almost impressed that there was more he could do with his bully victim. Anyways, that was the end of their sexy times. His balls would run dry way before Hunter's tanks did. But that was none of my business. All of them being under occupation would make it harder for him to get access to the submissive AEP unit. "... So it has all been for show. Breathing like a human, cumming like a human. Talking like a human." Laura said when she could speak. "No. I mean it."