That afternoon, as Hyun-Hee finished her lunch, her phone buzzed. It was an unfamiliar number, but something nudged her to pick up.
“여보세요?” (Hello?)
“혀니야, 나야. 엄마.” (Hyun-Hee, it’s me. Mom.)
Hyun-Hee's heart raced. This was the woman she thought of as her mother. The thoughts that had been running around her head since the rehearsal rose to the front of her mind again. If she were not as she remembered them she needed to tread carefully.
“아, 엄마. 잘 지내세요?” (Oh, Mom. How are you?)
“잘 지내지. 너 요즘 어떻게 지내니? 연습은 잘 돼가고?” (I’m fine. How are things with you? How’s rehearsal?)
“네, 연습 잘 돼가고 있어요. 조금 바쁘긴 한데 괜찮아요.” (Yes, rehearsals are going well. It’s a bit busy, but it’s okay.)
Her mother’s voice softened, “그래도 네 건강 잘 챙겨야 한다. 너 예전에는 꿈이 많았잖아, 기억나니?” (Still, you must take care of your health. You had so many dreams before, do you remember?)
Hyun-Hee paused, sensing an opportunity. “꿈? 무슨 꿈이에요?” (Dreams? What dream do you mean?)
“너 어렸을 때부터 글 쓰는 걸 좋아했잖아. 기자가 되고 싶다고 했었지.” (You loved writing since you were young. You wanted to be a writer.)
“아, 맞아요.” (Ah, right.) Hyun-Hee echoed, trying to sound natural.
“너 여행기 쓴 거 기억나? 그게 정말 좋았어. 많은 사람들에게 영감을 줬지.” (Do you remember the travelogue you wrote? It was really good. It inspired many people.) Mrs Mok told her daughter referring to something that Hyun-Hee had written as a school project many years ago.
“엄마.” (Mom!) Hyun-Hee replied, her mind swirling with questions that she could not ask without making her mom worry about her. “오늘 저녁 공연이 끝나고 다시 전화드리도록 하겠습니다.” (I'll try and call you again after the show this evening.)
“알겠어, 혀니야. 건강 잘 챙기고. 사랑해.” (Alright, Hyun-Hee. Take care of your health. Love you.)
“저도요, 엄마. 사랑해요.” (Me too, Mom. Love you.) Hyun-Hee hung up, her hand trembling slightly. She had some answers, but even more questions. She needed to talk to Val or this Gi soon, to untangle the web of her thoughts had become. She did feel a little more at ease after speaking with her mom. The sensation that something was not quite as it seemed would not go away. With a deep breath, she stood up, preparing herself for the next part of her day, meeting up with the wardrobe mistress to pick out the outfit she would wear on stage tonight. At least that would be a fun way to spend the afternoon she thought. She knew the wardrobe mistress was an easy-going woman and would allow her to pick an outfit for herself. Yes, this would be a fun afternoon and once she was done she could speak to Val if she had the time that was.