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5. DTH: Hop 3 - We'll come round

4. DTH: Hop 3

3. Alternate Reality Device

2. Jon wishes up a device

1. You Are What You Wish

DTH: Hop 3 - We'll come round again.

avatar on 2018-06-17 15:32:10
Episode last modified by Lido on 2019-04-06 13:35:23

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The two Karyn's stood silently watching DTH-Jon.

DTH-Jon paced the length of the bedroom while he thought about the problem.

"Well?" DTH-Karyn asked impatiently.

Before DTH-Jon could answer the DTH starting bleeping. DTH-Jon looked at the screen.

"Interesting..." he said to himself.

"What is it?" DTH-Karyn asked.

"This timeline is diverging. A number of times already."

"Will that help you get my Jon back?" asked the other Karyn

"I can't really see how, we could play out these events a million times and still have an infinite number of possible scenarios to check. We need more information about your Jon's destination."

DTH-Karyn was suddenly struck by an idea.

"Couldn't we go back in time and watch where he went?" she asked.

DTH-Jon briefly had a surprised look on his face, it quickly disappeared.

"That's exactly what I was about to suggest." he said.

"Liar! It was my clever idea for a change and you want to take credit for it."

"Well anyway, who had the idea doesn't matter..."

DTH-Karyn scowled at him.

Jon continued, "'s not as straightforward as simply hopping back in time. There are already two versions of us present there. Both of us have activated interdimensional devices which have already caused some unexpected side effects. The last thing we need is adding another DTH to the mix."

"Can't we just hop in after Jon says 'What if..' and before we arrive?"

"Nope we can't do that. The DTH is not a precise time machine, it will only take us to the divergence point." DTH-Jon told her somewhat dissappointed with the limited capabilities of the DTH.

"So we can scratch that plan then."

"I never said that. We just have to move spatially."


Jon walked towards the door opening it he stepped through into the hall beyond. He gestured to DTH Karyn to follow him. Both Karyn's walked towards him.

He held his open palm towards the other Karyn. "You better stay here. We'll be back shortly." he told her while closing the door in her face.

"A bit rude Jon!" DTH Karyn told him.

"Sorry, are you ready?" he asked programming the DTH.


"What do you mean, no?"

"I mean, you are going to have to explain the plan. I assume you've got one."

Jon sighed. "Of course I have a plan. We hop back to when Jon invents the watch. We stay out here in the hall so we don't interfere with established events. When we hear him say 'What if...' we go in and I scan the dimension with the DTH. We then know where he went."

"Doesn't sound too difficult."

"Yeah well, timing is everything, as soon as I scan the dimension we need to get out of there as soon as possible otherwise we'll still be there when the earlier versions of ourselves arrive."

"Okay, I think I've got it." DTH-Karyn told him.

"Let's go then" Jon said and pushed a button on the DTH sending them to:


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