(Author Note: I like what The Guest did with the story, but I want to use Sarah differently than they did)
Elsewhere in the building, Zoe sat up, dazed. "What was that?" She said.
"I'm not sure," the person next to her remarked.
Zoe blinked, her eyes blurry. She reached around on the floor, instinctively and found something...and brought it to her face. It was a pair of glasses. She slipped them on, and suddenly everything seemed clear. She turned to see who had been speaking and saw Amber sitting there. "It felt like..."
"It felt just like what we always imagined a slide to feel like." The pair exclaimed together.
"Man, that would have been cool, but Sliders isn't real Zoe." Amber Wright continued, pushing up the pair of glasses that she had just picked up.
"Well, something happened." Zoe said.
"I guess," Amber said, struggling to her feet and grabbing a large bookbag and putting it on her back. "But...everything feels fine...I mean...no broken bones or anything. I just feel...disoriented somehow."
All around them, people were slowly getting up, putting their hands on the ground just like Zoe and Amber had just done and finding things to pick up.
The PA system roared to life. "Attention everyone...I... don't know what just happened...but...if anyone is seriously injured, please report to the nurse's office. For everyone who just fell over...that happened to everyone...please report to your first period class while we all try to figure this out."
"Who is that?" Zoe remarked.
"The principal...I think..." Amber said. "But...you heard them. Let's get to class." The pair then started to make their way to math class together, now in the same grade.